Foxes have whiskers on their legs and face, which help them to navigate.
Grey foxes can retract their claws like cats do.
A male is called a ‘dog fox’ while a female is called a ‘vixen’.
Foxes are generally solitary animals; unlike wolves, they hunt on their own rather than in packs.
Foxes dig underground dens where they take care of their kits and hide from predators.
Their pupils are vertical, similar to a cat, helping them to see well at night.
The tip of a red fox’s tail is white, whereas swift foxes have a black-tipped tail.
Foxes have excellent hearing. Red foxes can reportedly hear a watch ticking 40 yards away.
Foxes stink, their funny ‘musky’ smell comes from scent glands at the base of their tail.
ENDANGERED STATUS: At risk of becoming endangered due to their desirable fur.
WEIGHT: Varies between species. Heaviest: Red Fox 14 kg.
LENGTH: Varies between species. Longest: Red Fox 89 cm (without tail)
HABITATS: Forest, grassland, forests, mountain and deserts.
Foxes are very cute, but that doesn't’t make it right to own one. These animals belong to the wild and not in a house. If you love foxes that much, go out in the wild and take photos of them from a clear distance, it is not hard to spot a fox in its natural environ-ment with some patience.
Foxes are not like dogs, as some people claim. Dogs has been around humans for cen-turies. Understand the difference between a dog and a fox can help you and your friends to realize that the foxes actually belongs to the wild.
Foxes as a pet are getting trendy on social media, it still doesn't’t make it right to keep them as a pet. These foxes are being kept from their mothers, therefore missing out on the essential teething process. In result, many of these domesticated breed foxes will have a big risk for behavioral problems as they grow older. Understand that humans should not interrupt the laws of nature and see that if they do it can lead many problems in the future.