Monkeys can be divided into two groups, Old World monkeys that live in Africa and Asia, and New World monkeys that live in South America
A baboon is an example of an Old World monkey, while a marmoset is an example of a New World monkey.
Apes are not monkeys.
Some monkeys live on the ground, while others live in trees.
Different monkey species eat a variety of foods, such as fruit, insects, flowers, leaves and reptiles.
Most monkeys have tails.
Groups of monkeys are known as a ‘tribe’, ‘troop’ or ‘mission’.
The Pygmy Marmoset is the smallest type of monkey, with adults weighing between 120 and 140 grams.
The Mandrill is the largest type of monkey, with adult males weighing up to 35 kg.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cercopithecidae
ENDANGERED STATUS: High risk to due to lost of habitats. Species such as the Sumatran orangutan that are endan-gered.
WEIGHT: Varies between species. Heaviest: Mandrill 35kg.
LENGTH:Varies between species. Longest: Mandrill 94.5 cm.
HABITATS: Forest, grassland, high plains, and mountain.
Humans have always had a fascination for monkeys as they are in someway similar to us. But in the end they are not, they are wild and belong in their natural habitat.
Let go of your ego and let the monkeys be where they belong in their natural habitat.
Monkeys caries different diseases and should not interact with humans. They tend to scratch and bite more than other exotic animals which are increasing the risks for spreading diseases to humans. Don’t support people with pet monkeys, it can be dan-gerous if these diseases are being spread both ways.
Traditionally, monkeys has been used for our entertainment in movies, zoos, circuses, etc. Even though they are smart and capable of doing human “things”, we need to un-derstand that they are wild. Try to understand where the monkeys comes from and you will understand that nature already has a place for them in the wild.